Saturday, March 3, 2012


Ma. Crozalle Reyes Raymundo
a.k.a. Wee-ween Reyes 12/29/2011

I really wonder how teenagers nowadays handle their love affairs. Everywhere I see I can count on my fingers how many of them are pregnant or have just given birth. Tsk tsk tsk. What's happening in this world?

I know of some who got pregnant at an early age and they have their own story to tell...

Melissa is a 15 years old student. She's 3rd-year high school. She drinks liquor and smokes. Her boy friend, also a classmate, is with her in their so-called "troop". Their hang out is in the house of one troop member whose parents are abroad. So they are free.

One day Melissa told her boyfriend Marcus, "I've missed my period. What shall we do?" "Huh, you're so careless. What happened?" "What? is that how you will react to me?" And they had a bad quarrel which resulted in their break up. "It's just that, why you..." And Melissa burst into tears, while Marcus led his way, away from Melissa. Away from his responsibilities.

Now, Melissa gave birth, an additional unwed mother. She is with her poor family with an additional mouth to feed, the baby who needs milk and clothing and medicines. Her boyfriend is not ready yet for the responsibility to become a father. Not at this point in time

Now, nature has to take its course. Melissa has to take the burden herself. That's how teen agers carry their affairs today. It's just like a bombshell, anytime ready to be dropped. Or like a volcano ready to erupt any moment. But how about the consequences of being a young mother? Or a young father? Have they thought of it before they involved in their worldly desires?

Melissa is one, and we have Angela to name another. Angela, on the other hand, is sixteen with a drop out boyfriend from another school.Her Mom says she's different from the rest because as a person she's clever and wise. She put this notion to her parent's head.

"Mom, I'm attending a party and be home before 2 AM. I'm not gonna miss this party. The birthday boy won't go for a no answer." Her parents can't do anything but permit her than quarrel with her every day. Or if not, she'll find ways to leave by all means. But for sure she'll not be home as promised but after a day or more. Thus, leaving her parents in distress and misconceptions.

If you'll see them pass by you will notice how they dress. Their get-ups are far different from the ordinary youngsters... Jeprox or what-not-there. Those who see them just scratch their heads and with a mocking smile, they turn their backs.

Nevertheless, Angela is not too good to be true. Her parents discovered one day that she is also pregnant when her baby was accidentally aborted while she was with her "troop", and they brought her to the nearest hospital from their hang out. She was already four and a half pregnant to her parent's dismay. When asked about her activities with her boyfriend she always answers back that she's good enough and she's too innocent about those matters yet.

What can parents do to their children who are too hard headed? You can see their parents at night on streets, waiting for their little darlings to go home. Mad, but anxious and worried. What's happening with their kids while away from home during wee hours of the night when everybody is almost past asleep?

Melissa and Angela. They are just two teenagers sharing the same experiences with different weights on pre marital sex. I'll be posting more of this in the days to come and hope it will serve as an eye opener to parents, for them to focus on their kids, boy or girl they maybe and be vigilant about their activities outside their homes.

Weeween Reyes (December 30, 2011)
Photo: Google

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