Saturday, March 3, 2012


Written by Ma. crozalle Raymundo
(a.k.a. Wee-ween Reyes june 19, 2011)

Dear you are to me my father dear
With a heart so honest and sincere
Grey matter you bear superlative and rare
Thousands know not of you my father

Distance, miles away you chose to stay
Far from love ones least I would say
With you and mother so far away
Life is sweeter and happier with us you stay

White hair strikes of my black hair
Offsprings grow but never did hear
Of vibrant laughter from the real pair
Our dear lovely parents we miss you near

Happy days like summer's gone
teardrops fell like rain they come
but alas, that wee girl grow old like wine
sweeter and better and clever i'd become

but dad, though how strong a woman 
still needs a father to feel as one
complete family with both of you around
as loving and caring lfe is so calm

On this day, truly marked a father's day
with so much affection we relay
you are not only wonderful but gay
Happy father's day our wish for you today

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