Saturday, March 3, 2012


Ma. Crozalle Reyes Raymundo
a.k.a. Wee-ween Reyes, Sept. 22, 2011 
( phone conversaton)

Hello mother do you hear me.....

Mother, please open your eyes for a while
..... it's not yet time ................................
....... the wound from father's grave ...........
......... has not been healed .....................
.......... i am not ready yet .......................

Mother, please open your mouth for a while
..... eat a little more ...............................
....... so your strength will come back...........
......... soon you'll recover........................
........... please eat mother.......................

Mother open your mouth once again.............
..... there are your medicines to cure...........
....... there are your vitamins ...................
......... to give you strength .....................
........... please take those ......................

Do you you know mother what it takes .........
..... to be far from you while you're sick .......
....... my heart grieves and .....................
......... my eyes are full of tears ...............
........... while my body shakes.................

So mother, please listen and hear me, .........
..... because if you won't ........................
....... you will totally break my heart ........... 
......... I will die ten thousand times ............
........... longing for you.......................... 

Hello mother do you hear me?....................
.....have you gone to your doctor?.............
....... please follow mother ......................
......... I'm crying and longing for you .........
........... please see your doctor................

Now mother, i'm here, pleading ..................
..... please, i am not ready yet .................
....... give me time to heal the wound .........
.......... i wouldnt be able to bear it ...........
........... please mother, please ................

thank you mother, thank you ...................
..... let's spend time together ...................
....... we love you and still need you ..........
......... please give us more time to heal ......
........... please give us time to forget ........

I Love you Mom....thanks for not leaving......

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