Tuesday, December 3, 2013



Part 2

T'was a sunny day till the sun find its way home, with moderate winds that danced with the leaves of the gumamela flowers in that house across the road. My boring hours were spent watching the series of telenovelas of GMA and at times face booking. But my boring day somehow became interesting when evening came.

I had been vocal with my children about this lanky fellow in my short story about "That Man Along The Road". I used to tell them of my desire to help that old man, or shall we say, the old mysterious gay, but maybe they take things in stride, thinking, that it was as ordinary as the other stories I told them every time I came home from the outside world.

As we were having dinner this evening, I happened to open again the topic about this man, and surprisingly, the answer to my silent query was just inside my vicinity."You know Ma, every time I go home early in the morning from work, I always see him seated outside with his wooden stick on his side." My daughter's words, amazed me. She's that type of a person that talks less not until I open my mouth on something of importance to me, she'll open hers, even the topic is not as interesting to her.

And a feeling of relief and deep sighs were all I can do at the moment. "So, he is still alive? I mused. "Oh yes, he is", my daughter in a low tone, and with a smile in her lips said, "in fact one time he was calling his dog, he said, come, come, you stay here", but the dog was on his right while he was facing at the left side of the street, and their, I knew he was blind."

"Did you really saw him? and how often did you see? I enthusiastically asked her. "Every time I go home from work, he's there seated, maybe he doesn't know if its morning or evening. she muttered. "Oh, I really felt guilty about that fellow, about not extending help." I told her. "But Ma for sure, he has his family with him, so you need not worry." she said to reassure me.

After dinner I was left alone in our sala where my computer silently waiting for the continuation of my story. I heard the barking of the dog outside and I remembered what my daughter said about him while he was calling his dog,and the thought fascinated me, at least I knew, he's alive.

The stars in the sky seemed happy, seeing me happy and wearing a smile on my face as I ran my eyes along the street of Dama de Noche, though I cannot reach his place with my sight. But the feeling of happiness is immeasurable, knowing that he still exists and if by chance I happen to see him again, maybe I will find means to talk to him and extend a little help if needed.

Walking through that street where he lives,my eyes would not be wandering anymore to have a sight of him, being assured of my daughter's words.

Playing Good Samaritan is a virtue, it feeds also our souls, the goodness that we can share to the needy and the happiness it could give them, to know that there are people who love them. Our brothers and sisters are just few meters away. Our little help could be a big moral booster. Let's just open our eyes, our ears and our hearts. And God will be truly happy about us. It's infinitely wiser to converge with His will than do the reverse.

Wines 2013

Photo credits to the owner

a morsel of my youth

A morsel of my Youth (Malayan Wave -- aaba bbcb ccdc dd of Jose Rizal M. Reyes) In a small town where I was born and grew had happy...