Thursday, December 5, 2013


Heaven sent?

We are so affected everytime somebody do us wrong, to the extent that we say they are "satan sent", so we resent them, and wish them the worst they can become, but we have not considered the fact that God might have sent them to teach us lessons, or to remind us of the things that we neglect. It might be God's way of patting our shoulders. Think about it.

Life is full of trickery. No one knows who's best and who's good for nothing. Only God knows. For every misery that comes along our way, let not us be the judge to ones adversary. Always see things in a positive way, and by doing so, you save your soul and the soul of your brethren.

Good or bad, it's not clear to us who sent them, so let's be cool at all times. There could be more trials in our lives more than we expect.
Let's just always be subtle in our ways.

"Live not one's life as though one had a thousand years, but live each day as the last."

"Marcus Aurelius (a Roman Emperor):

terweena 2013 (Sept. 20)

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