Wednesday, June 14, 2017



On the first day:
The LOrd created the earth
and the heavens.
But it was so dark and empty,
and no form. And He said:
"Let there be light."
So there was light.
Then He called the light "DAY"
and the dakness "NIGHT".

On the second day the Lord said:
"Let there be a sky in the middle 
of the waters and let it separate 
the waters from the waters."
And He called the sky Heaven. 
And there, the evening 
and the morning.

On the third day the Lord said:
"Let the waters under the sky
be gathered in one place.
Let the dry land appear and let 
there be grass, plants bearing seeds
and trees bearing fruits."
So this was the earth.

On the fourth day the Lord said:
"Let there be light in the sky
to light the earth and to divide
the light from darkness."
So He created the stars, 
and the moon, and the sun,
to mark seasons, days, and years.

On the fifth day the LOrd Said:
"Let there be great numbers 
of moving creatures in the waters." 
He created wales and every 
living creatures and give them life
and let them multiply to fill the 
ocean and the seas. He also let the birds
fly in the sky and multiply.

On the sixth day the Lord said:
"Let the earth bring forth all kinds 
of creatures, catle,creeping things 
and beast of the land." And he made 
the image of man in His likeness
And he created male and female.
"Let ye multiply and have the power 
over the fish and all living things."
and He gave them food to eat, every 
plant bearing seed, and every tree 
bearing fruit.

On the seventh day, the creation 
was done and the earth was filled 
with life. The Lord made this day 
holy and blessed because this is the
day that he rested. And he breath 
unto him the breath of life.

Weeween Reyes (June 13, 2017)
Photo : Google

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