Wednesday, August 9, 2017



I was alarmed when I noticed that my lower extremities have red rashes for the past few months. And I blamed the mosquitos that might have attacked my legs while I was busy using my computer. In fact, I purchased big water-based Baygon multi-insect killer just for this purpose. But later on, I realized that it was not really the fault of the mosquitos that I was thinking of. The culprits for this allergic reaction in my skin are my leggings which are all fitted in the lower extremities, thus the allergy started. And I never use any other house clothes every day but these leggings.

To cut the long story short, I ended up looking for my dresses which for quite some time were kept in my closet. I picked a red one but I found it unruly, so I told my husband that I have to iron it since if I don’t, I will look like Untay. And he asked. “Who is Untay?” "Wait, I have to draw her because it's difficult to describe," was my response. And my eagerness to show the image of Untay to my better-half drew my desire to the peak remembering yesterday the video of the charcoal drawing I saw from an FB friend Leo A. Caisip. And where on earth have I thought that I can draw, especially in this age of mine nearly facing the sun to set? But I took the first pencil I saw, and scratch papers and started sketching Untay. And I found that great feeling with the desire to express in my sketches the woman I saw when I was just a kid asking for alms around the town proper, my hometown, Odiongan. But I pity her when I was a child, not because she was mediocre as I still don’t understand that before, but because she was so untidy and skinny. In fact, I was also afraid of her.  Though I haven't got the chance to talk to her personally, she had a soft spot in my heart that some memories of her still linger in my mind until to date.

But who knows? Untay might pave the way to my long-cherished dream…. my wildest dream and that is to be an artist, though I really not have tried. Why not? Anyway, dreams are free. Let’s dream high. Let’s start dreaming higher. It’s not too late!

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