Monday, March 11, 2019

So Long, Farewell

So Long, Farewell
Crying in silence as the funeral went
a good friend, lost, in heaven was sent
regrets hovered over with least intent
embrace I'd missed, the hugs I meant.
A loving comrade with a smile so sweet
while distance kept us apart instead
friends come and go yet you've remained
affection untangled, never did change.
A pal of long ago, a dear to me, is gone,
though decades passed he's still was one
his trip too far away, adieu was done,
the clouds and angels happily welcome.
But memories will live in mind and heart
remain unchanged though we're apart
neither leaving nor dying will he depart
the fondness in us, he'll be a part.
As my heart broke into pieces, I've cried
with no one to talk, in despair retired
to bed, I told while weeping, to pillows, lied
no one beside to wipe my tears aside.
To you, my friend, though it's goodbye
no, not goodbye dear, till wound will dry
as you travel too far to the Lord's desire
walk now with faith, lest our hearts cry.
Weeween Reyes 2019

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