Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Should We Be Afraid Of Death

Should we be afraid of death?
(Random thoughts)
Waking up every morning, breathing, is a blessing. But sad to say that waking up each day hearing, rather knowing the passing of someone dear makes my day really a mess. As you make your life so simple and free from worries to live longer, and happier, you can't avoid being melancholic, low spirited, depressed, inconsolable.- and distraught at the thought of it.
But are we really lucky to live longer than others who have finally secured their visa in heaven? As in dying, there is peace and tranquility, A total rest from the unscrupulous society, a total rest of mind and body. But are we 100% willing to die when eating in good restaurants, galivanting in malls, buying good clothes and shoes, purchasing signature bags and perfumes, going places, hanging up with friends, face booking, and whatnot there seems what we are enjoying in life? Plus, they say, "there's no beer in heaven". I woke up this morning just to hear a piece of bad news that a former good neighbor who attended a wake in Isabela seemed to be next in line. She suffered a first heart attack but unfortunately is in a coma at the moment. Many things came up in my mind, their kids, their schooling, their daily needs. Can the father take good care of them while always away earning for a living? How would they start anew when they have just started picking up the pieces. improving their lives and making their abode a better place to live in. Such is a sad story to hear but who knows what heaven lay in store for them? "He" only knows.
Life seems so beautiful, but intriguing and challenging. We just wake up one day where our strength and youth are little by little diminishing like a lit candle. Waking up every day simply means decreasing our life span, adding to our white hairs, memory leading downhill, aching ankles, arms, wrists and fingers and multiple joint pains, high blood pressure, diabetes, vertigo, notwithstanding the loss of balance and sensitivity to things that sometimes we neglect to give attention to.
The world is full of wonderful things and blessings as it's God's gift to mankind. Maybe taking a good rest, a sound sleep, eating the right food (my doctor used to remind me "what you sow, you reap"), would be best to prolong life, give ourselves a break and avoiding the high and low tides of life to have a life full of happiness and serenity. Good day!
Weeween Reyes 2019

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